Internship experience

Bengbu, Anhui, September 2019 - July 2023, 2023


Intern journalist, Xin’an Evening News, Bengbu Reporter Station (One of China Times Evening News), December 2019 - September 2022

Intern journalist, Xin’an Evening News, Bengbu Reporter Station (One of China Times Evening News), December 2019 - September 2022

  • Position: Intern journalist

  • Main responsibilities: Participated in social events, interviews with individuals, and press conferences in Bengbu and surrounding counties and cities. Mainly responsible for news event interviews, writing news articles, and organizing and editing textual content. Participated in multiple interviews and reports on hot news events in Bengbu and other areas.

  • Main achievements: Over 50 famous news articles have been published, and multiple news articles have been forwarded by national media.